busy, busy, busy

As usual, I have been a busy bee lately.  Soccer finished up and I figured I would have some free time to be able to work on my own art and maybe get ready for the upcoming ski season…..yea right!  I have fallen behind on my school blog too!  O well!  Here is a few pieces I have had waiting to be photographed.  Enjoy!

Halloween Art


Dead of Winter

I had a great time figuring out how I was going to convey the “dead of winter” for my halloween costume.  An expression often used but not thought of for a costume proved to be difficult to visually explain.

I think my costume proved to be successful.  It took me over an hour to apply all the hair color, makeup, and add -ons!  My sister and friends enjoyed watching the step by  step process.

You are probably wondering how long it took to get everything off at the end of the night…..nice hot shower was all it took!

Two days later, I am stil finding glitter all over the place!000_0206