You Can Dare to Take That Unspoken Dream Seriously

I have been working on this piece for a few weeks now.  I used collage elements as the base and relied on Golden Fluid Acrylics to add in other elements.  The piece sat there staring at me.  I was happy with the flowers and tree but felt there was something else to add.  The other day I was struck with a huge burst of creativity juices and decided to photocopy a picture of me when I was 2 and added it to the piece.  I also added Pepper, my dog, to include something present in my life.   Pretty happy with it!

Yesterday was another great day full of ideas.  I kept going to my journal to write down something, I was afraid I would probably forget them.  The minute I got home from school, I pulled out all my paints, and papers, and brushes and set to work.   It was a successful afternoon of creating, but I was disappointed with the end result.  I just can’t seem to make something that I feel expresses me.  I worked, and over worked a couple paintings and they turned out dark and moody.  I was hoping for happy and colorful.  I decided that my mood was the cause and created the effect.

I keep hoping every day will be another day of creative ideas just waiting to be used.  There are some days when I’ve got nothing.  I really, really, really want to find something that carries me away for a few weeks rather then have all kinds of little creative ideas that lead to a quick ending.  Usually with me not liking it.  Just gotta keep going and give everything a try.

“You can dare to take that unspoken dream seriously”

In Progress Painting

So, I have had all these ideas zooming in and out of my head the last few days.  All these various painting techniques to try, subject matter to paint, what I want to paint and what people will like.  Then I remembered that what I “want” to paint is more important right now then what others want me to paint or what others will like.  And that is confusing, I’m sure!  Just know, I am confused!  So many ideas and I am trying to keep up with them before they get lost in my busy brain.

Long story short, this is my most recent dive into the uncomfortable way of painting.  I want to try and add more drawing elements into my painting.  I am very attracted to loose, sketch-like lines and I am trying to figure out how to add them in with out losing the whimsical and child-like feeling.  I don’t want my work to become to dark or dramatic right now.  I want to really focus on the positive and childish way of creating!

Please let me know what you think of this piece!

A New Direction

I had painted this large canvas a few weeks back with greens and blues.  I wanted to explore different techniques that would create various textures.  I smeared glue on the surface and then let it dry a little before I painted on top of it.  It created a really fun crackling surface that you can see in the blue sky.  I also used some saran wrap to create some fun texture in the tree and grass.  After that, the painting sat by my door awaiting a spark of creativity from me.  It stared at me, I stared at it and we played this game until I finally had the courage to try painting something new.  I wanted to add something whimsical and very child like.  So I dove into my sketchbooks and found a drawing I had done last year of two kids.  It was very cartoon-like but I enjoyed the simplicity of my drawing.  So I added them into my painting and changed a few things to make the couple look a bit older.  I also wanted to add some fun owls in love perching in the tree.  I am pretty happy with the outcome.  I might work on the house a little more.  It doesn’t feel finished yet.  I am proud of myself for going in a different direction with my painting and adding in my love for illustration.  The use of acrylic paint and markers was a fun exploration!  Tell me what you think?